February 12, 2025


Body and Interior

A 6-Step Guide to Maximizing Closet Space

When you live in a limited space apartment or dorm, you’ll need to find ways to increase closet space. Use easy-to-use storage solutions to maximize your space. Be sure to take measurements of your small closet before you buy storage solutions. If you plan to buy closet organizing products, you should always measure carefully first.

Here are the steps to follow to maximize your closet space.

1. Find Out How To Store Small Closets

Before you start buying stuff, you must have a plan. Make a list of your existing possessions to see what you can work with. Make sure you know how many pants, skirts, and shirts to hang; how many shirts, sweaters, and jeans to fold and stack; and how many accessories you need to have at hand.

Measure your closet and record its measurements.

A closet organizer can help you make better use of every inch of your closet by adding built-in shelves, drawers, and rolling carts. Think about repurposing items already in your home, such as small bookcases, small bureaus, shoe racks, bins, and decorative stackable boxes.

2. Find Out How To Store Small Closets

Find Out How To Store Small Closets

You should keep your rarely worn shoes in your closet. Store off-season items, accessories, and shoes on the floor. Cubbies that are low to the ground are the best option for floor shoe storage. To maximize your floor space, use one that fits.

The off-season or rarely worn shoes you have can also be hung on the closet door or placed in another storage area like a hall closet, or even under the bed. Keep your shoes clean wherever you store them to prevent mold and mildew from growing.

3. Boost Your Hanging Space

Boost Your Hanging Space

Do you have a closet full of clothes? A double hang transforms your closet faster and more dramatically than anything else. You should hang up more clothes than you keep on shelves, especially if you don’t have enough closet space. Consider increasing your closet’s hanging space before color coding it to make it more organized. Normally, you would fold and stack things, but now you have to hang them.

4. Organize Your Closet Vertically

Organize Your Closet Vertically

Make the most of the shelf space above your rod. With a good, sturdy step stool, access the area where seasonal items are stored as high up the wall as possible. To remember what you stored high up, place items in stackable clear bins. To make retrieving them easier and to keep dust out, use smaller bins with lids.

5. Choosing the Right Hangers for Your Closet

Consolidate Clothing

A hanger may be used for anything other than clothing, such as boots, blankets, handbags, scarves, and ties.

Sort your clothes according to their type using your hangers. Using one hanger, you can see all your scarves at once.

For closets with limited space, look for hangers that are less bulky and up to an inch thinner than traditional wooden hangers. Thinner hangers will make a huge difference in saving closet space, and you’ll be surprised just how much space you’ll save.

6. Closet Doors Can Serve as Storage Space

There is no better option here than closet door shoe racks. In fact, they make great storage spaces for all types of clothing and accessories, and they aren’t just for shoes. Over-the-door organizers can contain jewelry, scarves, hats, undergarments, purses, and wallets, as well as accessories.

You can keep your most-worn items on your closet door. If you wear scarves most often, tuck them into the shoe rack pockets at eye level. Switch out scarves, gloves, and tights in the summer for tank tops.

Your closet door is valuable real estate, so don’t overlook it. Organize bags and other grab-and-go items with decorative removable Command hooks.